« 詩人 高柳誠 16日(金)、詩集『イマージュへのオマージュ』を1冊、ギャルリー東京ユマニテでの第37回 「ラウンドポエトリーリーデング(巡回朗読会)」で読み切る予定! | トップページ | 詩人 田川紀久雄さん、初めて明日(17日・土曜日)、「ラウンドポエトリーリーデイング(巡回朗読会)」に初登場! »


Hear Poets Recite with the Naked Voice!

  詩人の肉聲を聴く! ラウンドポエトリーリーデイング(巡回朗読会)
Hear Poets Recite Unamplified! A Circuit of Poetry Readings
                      天童 大人 Tendo Taijin
「肉聲ノ復権」をめざし、詩人、自らの肉聲で行う自作詩朗読を聴く会を、都心の心在る四つの懇意の画廊オーナー達の賛同を得て、ストライプハウスギャラリー(六本木)、ギャルリー東京ユマニテ(京橋)、ギャラリーアートポイント(銀座)、Star Poets Gallery(渋谷)、で開催し、巡回する事にしたのだ。また詩集販売専門店も閉店になり、何処で、詩集を売っているのか、買えるのか分からなくなった。そこで会場では、出版社の協力で朗読した詩書を販売して、参加された聴衆に詩集を確実に持って貰う事も併せ行う事を考えた。


Hear Poets Recite with the Naked Voice!
Circuit of Poetry Readings

Tendo Taijin

On October 14, 2006, the front runner in Japanese poetry reading, Kazuko Shiraishi, started off the first round of “A Circuit of Poetry Readings” at Gallery Art Point in Ginza. (It lasted until December 21, 2006, and finished after 25 sessions.)
I would like to explain a little about why I felt there was a need for poets to recite their own poems in their own naked voices, unaided by any kind of amplification.
It began in December 2005, at an event sponsored at the Italian Cultural Institute called “Festival of Contemporary Japanese and European Poetry in Tokyo,” where I was appalled at the poor, weak voices of the Japanese poets. Except for the accomplished reading of Kazuko Shiraishi, their voices were lacking any sense of power. It was then that I thought, “If I ignore this, then the voices of Japanese poets will be no match for those of other poets around the world.”
Fortunately, as I have been reading without any kind of amplification for over 40 years, I thought that if I completely made use of my own rich experience both at home and abroad, I might be able to help Japanese poets to improve their recitation skills. So I spoke with Ms. Misao Tsukahara of the well-known Striped House Gallery, and it came about that I would try to the best of my ability to produce this event.
Aiming for “the reinstatement of the naked voice,” and deciding to hold a series of readings in which both myself and other poets would recite their own works with the naked voice, unaided by amplification, I approached the owners of four centrally located galleries, with whom I was on friendly terms, and obtained their agreement, upon which I planned to hold a circuit of poetry readings that traveled among the Striped House Gallery (Roppongi), Galerie Tokyo Humanité (Kyobashi), Gallery Art Point (Ginza), and Star Poets Gallery (Shibuya). Also, as stores specializing in the sales of poetic anthologies had closed their doors, no one knew where such anthologies were being sold if at all and thus no one was able to buy them. This time, through the cooperation of several publishers, we were able to sell the anthologies from which the poets read right there at the readings, which was in conjunction with my thought that the participating audience could have those anthologies in hand.
It was also a good opportunity to re-acquaint the poets of Japan with galleries, where they were hardly even seen.
The entrance fee was set at \2,500 (approx. $20), which was criticized as being too high (especially as there was no music and not even one drink was included).
But recitations by poets of their own works in their own naked voice are very rare events, and I wanted to avoid insulting the poets by setting the fee too low for a performance in which they were making personal appearances. If some people wanted cheaper readings with music and drinks, then they could make arrangements for such events themselves. This “Circuit of Poetry Readings” was to be a forum in which poets could hone their voices and their art; at the same time, it also offered a venue in which participants could not only compare by listening to the naked voice the type of “vocal power,” “vocal quality,” and “power of words” they prefer, but could also hone their own “auditory power.” If I knew about three or four months ahead of time when the poets would come to Tokyo from the countryside or from abroad, then I could make the necessary schedules.
It was my desire to someday make Tokyo a metropolis filled with poetic spirit in which one could always listen to poets reciting their own poems with the naked voice. It was my fervent wish to someday present to the world the poems and voices of Japan’s poets, even one poem or one poet more, through the power of all the participants.
I earnestly request the cooperation of, the participation of, and the advertising of this event by the poets and by the readers, and it is my sincere hope that we might spread around the globe the fascination of the “naked voice.”

—From the January 2007 issue of Contemporary Poetic Notebook


« 詩人 高柳誠 16日(金)、詩集『イマージュへのオマージュ』を1冊、ギャルリー東京ユマニテでの第37回 「ラウンドポエトリーリーデング(巡回朗読会)」で読み切る予定! | トップページ | 詩人 田川紀久雄さん、初めて明日(17日・土曜日)、「ラウンドポエトリーリーデイング(巡回朗読会)」に初登場! »














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« 詩人 高柳誠 16日(金)、詩集『イマージュへのオマージュ』を1冊、ギャルリー東京ユマニテでの第37回 「ラウンドポエトリーリーデング(巡回朗読会)」で読み切る予定! | トップページ | 詩人 田川紀久雄さん、初めて明日(17日・土曜日)、「ラウンドポエトリーリーデイング(巡回朗読会)」に初登場! »